Delesher - manufacturer of quality stairs and doors

   Interior doors made of precious sort of wood are durable and practical. They are exclusive handcrafted products that preserve beauty and texture of natural material.

   We use high-quality sorts of hardwood (oak, beech, hornbeam and ash), which undergoes an accurate preparation stage and drying.

Natural wood advantages

  • Product’s high aesthetics and durability;
  • Environmentally friendly materials;
  • High thermal and sound absorption;
  • Ease of finishing and processing;
  • “Handwarm” surface;
  • Low coefficient of linear thermal expansion.

   We use German engineering technology that allows produce doors with a quarter that can be opened to 180º. This feature highly improves their convenience and functionality.

   We use only exclusive German accessories Würth to complete our doors. All accessories and hardware installation (locks, hinges, latches) is carried out at the factory by experienced craftsmen. This greatly simplifies door installation and ensures trouble-free operation of all mechanisms.

   The use of CLOU paint and varnish products together with a multilayer painting technology underscores rich wood texture and gorgeous appearance of Delesher doors.

   We offer installation of the automatic rubber threshold as an option. It is installed on the lower end of the door leaf. When the door is closing, the threshold is lowering slowly, hiding the gap between the floor and the door. When the door is opening - it is rising silently.

Delesher door excellence

  1. High-quality eco-friendly materials;
  2. Each model’s individuality;
  3. Würth German accessories;
  4. Impact-resistance;
  5. Great service of all our products.

We accept your individual order to produce doors which last a long time and enrich your apartment. - manufacturer stairs

and doors. Ukraine, Vinnitsa

+38 (067) 800-55-00   Vinnitsa

+38 (096) 350-50-50   Kyiv

+38 (067) 926-46-56   Odessa

+38 (067) 433-09-55 Kharkov



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